Amazing Grace / gold foil / acrylic abstract painting / canvas art / pink / gold leaf / black / grey / blush / white / lavender

THIS ARTWORK IS SOLD. **However, custom orders are welcome. A similar painting can be made with different sizes and/or colors. Cost varies depending on size and art medium (acrylic, oil, gold foil/gold leaf). Custom order turnaround time is 1.5-4 weeks depending on current orders and art medium(s).**

16x20 acrylic and gold foil painting on archival quality canvas. Colors include gold foil, blush, pink, soft gold, black, grey, white, metallic gold, lavender, violet, lavender grey

Artwork Name & Inspiration:
"Amazing Grace" ..... How sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found. Was blind but now I see.
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